Dear customer,

thank you for your participation in our round robin tests. To settle your invoice using a credit card, we have set up a PayPal payment process.

To start please enter the invoice number in the field below and click the "Pay now" button. You will be forwarded to a PayPal checkout page.

invoice no.





Need help? Please read the following instructions.

If you are not familiar with the payment process as provided by PayPal, please read the following to avoid complications.

Payment step one

Please enter the invoice amount as "Price per item". The amount is to be given in Euros (EUR). All other input fields are not editable. Please click on the "Continue" button.


Payment step two

On the following page you could log into an PayPal account. Credit card payments are possible without accessing a PayPal account.
If you are not presented the information in your preferred language, you may choose your country/region by clicking on the flag icon on the bottom left. Continue by clicking on the "Pay with a Card" button - the label may differ by region.

Please proceed on the following page with entering your credit card details and the billing address. Then finalize the payment by clicking the button on the bottom of the page.

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